Seasonal event pages to boost your SEO

For an e-merchant, the year is punctuated by recurring seasonal events. Whether it is Christmas, Black Friday or Valentine's Day, these events are key moments to boost your revenue. From an SEO point of view, these seasonal pages can be a gateway to your site during these events. It is therefore essential to keep a few best practices in mind in order to be visible on search engines during these seasonal events.
What is a seasonal event page and what is its value for SEO?
In marketing, seasonal events correspond to events that occur at fixed times of the year. Some of these recurring events are often used by e-merchants to create specific commercial operations.
The main seasonal events
There are a multitude of recurring events over the course of a year. Depending on the themes and products of your site, the choice of these events to create your commercial operations can vary. Among the main seasonal events, there are in particular:
Black Friday
Christmas Holidays
Back to school
Cultural celebrations such as Halloween, Valentine's Day, New Year's Day...
Seasonal pages and SEO
Queries related to these events are highly sought after in search engines. Positioning pages on this type of query can attract qualified traffic to your site.
Example of strategic requests related to seasonal events:
Keyword. Volume (Monthly, Canada)
black friday. 135000
Halloween costume. 14800
Christmas gift. 6600
Valentine's Day gift idea 480
Source SEMrush,
In order to be able to position on this type of keywords, several SEO best practices should be considered.
How to optimize your seasonal event pages: The golden rules
#1 Identify the query to reach for your seasonal event page
Before any optimisation, the first step is to find the strategic request(s) related to the target event. If we take the example of Christmas, the main target query can be "Christmas Gift".
#2 Choose the type of page to position
Depending on the search intention related to a query, Google will propose different types of pages (e-commerce page, guide page, blog article...). It is therefore essential to optimize the right page typology according to the target query. To verify this, the simplest method is to search for the target keyword in Google and analyze the page typology of the first results.
As far as the "Christmas Gift" query is concerned, the best performing pages seem to be category pages or CMS pages presenting product ideas.
#3 Optimize page content
Google has been telling us for several years, "Content is King", it is therefore essential to provide dense and optimized content to Google on the page intended to be positioned on the selected keyword.
To do this, the usual recommendations include:
Provide enough content on the page
Semantically optimize this content for a better understanding of search engines
Provide content that is interesting for the user as well
Prioritize the content thanks to sub-paragraphs (think about Hn tags)
Also think about optimizing the title and meta description tags of the pages.
If a page already exists on the site, it is important to update it every year to show the search engines that the page has been updated and offers fresh content.
#4 Create an optimised internal link strategy before, during and after the event
The internal linking can play an important role in the SEO performance of the page optimised for a seasonal event. Several weeks before the event, it is essential to link the seasonal page to a highly visible page on search engines such as the Home page in order to increase Google's crawl frequency.
During the event, a link strategy can also be carried out. It can be interesting to link with other pages related to the theme (category pages, blog article pages...).
After the event, the page must remain linked to avoid the Google crawl to stop and become an orphan page. To do this, several strategies can be considered, it may be interesting to create an event space to link all the pages of seasonal events.
#5 Make your page popular
The popularity of a page is a major criterion for search engines. An external link acquisition strategy is therefore recommended to give a boost to the page a few weeks before the event.